Marriage and Family Therapy Private Practice
Couples Therapy

Research shows most couples wait six years before getting help from the time they first notice they may need it. This is often the biggest obstacle to addressing the issues in a relationship. If your marriage is a house, that first moment you think "We need help!" is the equivilent of noticing smoke in the house. After six years, the house is burned down. We can assess damage and I can help you rebuild, but we won't be putting up wallpaper for some time. The sooner you deal with that alarming smoke, the better we will be able to salvage and save all the things you love about that house! That's not to say all hope is lost after waiting and finding yourself in the "rebuilding" stage, but it will require work. The most common experience is that things get really hard and maybe worse before they get better. I use a variety of interventions, all research based, to help clients address intimacy issues, sexual issues, conflict, emotional intimacy, and more. I am trained in the Gottman method, EFT, structural family therapy and strategic family therapy. I am also trauma informed and trained in EMDR and somatic therapies. I use all of these to meet couples where they are and use interventions that are personalized to them and their issues. Typically, in a marraige, one partner is asking for therapy and one is hesitant. I have yet to have a couple come into my office and have their worst fears realized. It is far less scary than it seems in our minds. My primary goal is not to find out "who the problem is," but to help you find the common ground between you and a path to greater intimacy and greater marital satisfaction. Marital therapy isn't an overnight, quick fix. It takes a long time to find yourself in a place of needing therapy and your marriage deserves the time to heal and grow. I typically say that after six sessions you will begin to feel the helpfulness of therapy and maybe even look forward to it!

Every person has been touched by trauma. Whether we love someone who has had a significant traumatic experience or we ourselves have suffered from attachment trauma, betrayal trauma, sexual trauma or "big T" trauma like accidents, war, etc... I have 20+ years of working with the victims of abuse and trauma. I use EMDR (see link on Home Page) as well as other research based treatments to address the symptoms of trauma.

Stephanie is a Sex Therapy Associate with through ABCST. Whether dealing with painful sex, lack of sex, desire gap, or other issues in your marriage related to physical intimacy, Stephanie is skilled at diagnosis and treatment for sexual issues.